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Marissa Plakosh
Born in United States
18 years
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bob he who watched you grow November 30, 2017
the tears are good, they wash away the sorrow that i feel. my eyes dry and i am again able to see clearly your vision. after all these years , Mia, you still give my life purpose.
Hey men! Those of you which know me personally know that for a nice and dealing with my child's poor behavior. They were only pretty much driving me nuts at all times, i didnt know what to do or perhaps what to say to them. A couple weeks ago my spouse and i finally chose to get to the bottom of it and find a solution that could work. We searched every website as well as blog i really could possibly discover on the subject and finally i found the most effective solution. In the event that any of you're having related issues with your own children you can Private Message me. About second considered i will only give you the websites i came across on the topic to enable you to possibly make out the print and fix your child too. Thanks for experiencing my observation. Difficult Childhood
Alyssa D'Angelo

Take it from someone who was never afraid to be isn't always easy to stay true to who you are, to look ahead and not around. While I was mostly an accquaintance to Marissa, and I haven't known her for very long or have been her best friend, I can truly look upon her and her accomplishments in school and in athletics and say that I know she was a person with the courage to be herself. She was aware of who she was and what she wanted to do...and she didn't listen to anyone who told her otherwise. I admired that so much about her.


Marissa was definitely a unique character. A lot of people have brought this up, but I'd like to take a moment to reflect on how spontaneously she truly lived. She could go from golf to track to Spanish to pre-calc. She could party hard for any OSU game, and still put together a stylish outfit and glam make up the next morning. She pulled off one of the coolest prom dresses I've ever seen. She could tell jokes, but she could symphathize with a sad story. Yet, any rumors anyone tried to spread, or any insults anyone tried to throw her way simply rolled off her shoulders. That's amazing. Marissa was the complete package. My only regret is that I didn't know her any better.


This whole this has been labeled a tragedy, and while I suppose it is, I don't like to reflect on the negative. Marissa's attributes could set a positive example for us all. Through my own reflections, I've realized how much of a positive influence she's had on me, just by being herself. The hardest change now distance between her and us...but let's be realistic. We all know she's sitting up there in a La-Z-Boy recliner, shouting out plays to Tressel and the Bucks.  

Erin Greene
I didn't know Marissa very well, but I do remember how she was always smiling. We were on the same softball team for a couple years, and she always came up with the best cheers. Marissa always told teammates that they did a good job even if they struck out at the plate. When it was Marissa's turn to bat, she wanted to do the best job she could to help the team. I remember how determined Marissa was to succeed at everything she did...I was also on the track team with Marissa sophomore year. She was a good track athlete, and she made the practices fun for everyone. Marissa was nice to everyone and liked to make jokes. I was lucky to be in one of her classes senior year...She always had a funny story to tell and was really easy to talk to. She could brighten the mood of anyone who was having a bad day. Her smile was contagious, and it was tough not to laugh at stupid things you did in her presence. Marissa will never be forgotten, because people have so many fond memories of her. Rest in Peace Marissa!
Jaime (cousin)

I remember when we were young.  Your mother brought you to Grandma Vitko's (Aunt Margaret's) to visit and I was there and we played with my dollhouse and talked I can't remember about what.  But that's my memory.  We miss you.

John Risi

          Attending Poland High School brought about meeting a lot of new people for me. Marissa and her brother Mike were two of them. Although I knew Mike much more from eventually attending OSU with him, while still in high school and summers home from college I would often see Marissa out at friends houses. We hung out with a lot of the same people and always had a good time no matter what we were doing. There was always laughter and happiness when Marissa would hang out with all of us. Going to Ohio State was made much easier due to being friends with Mike, I knew how he acted and treated people was the same as Marissa did. It was so blatant how good of a person Marissa was and how much she took after Mike. My junior year at OSU I took a GEC class which half way through I realized Marissa was in with me. Although my memories with her are few I will remember what I have.

        To the the Plakosh family,

  May the Lord bless you and keep you,

May his face shine up you,

  And give you Peace.


-John Risi

Aunt Michelle

My memories of Marrisy:


I remember you as a baby and toddler.  You loved music!  For Christmas Uncle Joe and I bought you a Fisher Price Cassette/Headset.  You immediately took to it, and put it on.  That same year you got a rocking horse and rode it with your headset on screaming "Cowabunga Dudes".  I remember taking you to the Boardman Witch Walk and carrying you the entire time.  You were so easy to please.  As you grew we went boating on the river and you rode the sea-doo with your Uncle.  He said you had a need for speed! 


Cooking for holiday dinners was always easy.  You were NEVER picky and ate everything on your plate.  You had a fondness for steaks, cold shrimp, strawberries, and Aunt Michelle's chocolate pies.  I enjoyed having you over for dinner.


I remember one day hearing Lexie barking from somewhere in the house.  Someone had put her in the bathroom and closed the door.  You loved to joke!


This past year I purchased a pink purse for you.  You made me feel so good when you told me:  "Aunt Michelle, if I were to pick this out for myself, I would have picked the exact same thing".  I loved buying things for you as you were always so grateful. 


Your grandma and grandpa miss you terribly.  I remember you calling Grandpa's van the "Turtle Van".  He loved to take you to ride the go-cart, and as you got older, golfing  One summer you told me that all you wanted to do the entire summer was golf, you loved it so!


Our lives will never be the same.  You touched so many hearts, including mine.  I only wish I had you back for one more day to tell you how much you are loved.  I know without a doubt that you are watching over your family helping us through this and protecting us. 


Your Uncle and my hearts ache.  We cannot understand why you have been taken from us so soon.  We have resolved to not try to figure this out as we never will.  Our lives are missing something vital, and will never be the same. 


Thank you Marrisy.......thank you for being a part of our lives. 

Jenna Susany

     Marissa always has been and always will be one of a kind. No matter what time of day it was, or what day of the week, there was always a huge smile on that face of hers. She was always the one to see someone without a smile and she knew exactly what to do to give them one. Her and I always loved to give eachother back massages, in my opinion she gave the best ones, and in her opinion i gave the best ones, but she would always cheat me out of mine because she would make me give her one first and then she would just get up and walk away and look back and laugh at me, and all i could do was laugh, because that is all you could do when you saw her laughing, it was contagious. There are countless memories that i have with her, and i will forever cherish them all.

     She had a very special personality that could brighten anyone's day, and a beautiful heart that was full of love for her family and friends and everyone around her. I never really personally knew her brother, but for as much as she talked about him, I feel like I did. Their love for eachother was unfathomable, they were eachother's best friends.

     I, just like everyone else, do not know why this happened, and I never will. But I do know that Marissa truely lived her life to the fullest and made the best of everyday. She will forever be in my memories, forever in my heart, and i know that she will always be watching me from a better place, helping me to live a better life, the same way she did while she was with us. My deepest symathies go out to her family. She loved you with all of her heart and she will always be with you.

     "Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends"

     Rest In Peace Princess Maris. I will love you forever <3

All My Love,

Jenna Susany


Matt Sympson
I wasn't very close to Marissa, but i got to know her through my brother, Brian Sympson. I did have a class with her my sophomore year. I remember she used to make everyone laugh in that class, and she was so fun to be around. I can also remember going down to Oxford to visit Brian one weekend during his freshman year there. She was dating Adam Wigley at the time so she was also there visiting him, and she asked my mom to give her and Kasey a ride back. Even though she slept most of the  time, i remember her and i catching up on the things we missed about each other. I can also remember  the first day of the second semester at Poland during my senior year. I was a guidance office helper and she came in to talk to us, but a few minutes later Mrs. Hobart came in and kicked her out. Even though i didn't talk to her that much, when i did talk to her, she was so nice and polite and such a wonderful person. Rest In Peace Marissa and God Bless!
Adreann Catalano

A few days ago, my mom and I sat in the kitchen reminiscing on the memories of Marissa in our lives.  She would stop over our house, always right after working out at the Y, in her favorite PINK sweatpants and a Poland t-shirt, never without at least 4 pints of Handel’s ice cream to share with our family, she always remembered everyone’s favorite kind, and no less than one joke or story to tell.  She always felt right at home and that made it even more fulfilling to have Marissa around.  It didn’t matter what mood you were in, Marissa’s presence would immediately uplift your spirits.  My mom reminded me of the card that Marissa had sent for the one year anniversary of the death of my father.  When I looked at it again, the irony of the quote on the front touched me:  “The beauty of a life well-lived never dies.”  This couldn’t more perfectly capture the essence of Marissa’s life. 


I’ll never forget the day that I met Marissa.  Dressed in a #47 Ohio State jersey and full of more Buckeye spirit than any other 15 year old girl I had ever seen, I was taken aback by her beautifully radiant smile and personality for miles. She had no problem fitting in with my roommates and I.  Little did I know that the first weekend we met and she stayed at my apartment in Columbus, her parents thought she was in Poland.  I didn’t think there was any way that Marissa’s parents would ever forgive me for being the one who held their 15-year old daughter hostage on her first game day weekend at Ohio State.  It quickly became a story we looked back on and laughed.


The difference in age between Marissa and I never seemed to be an issue.  I talked to her on the phone more than I would talk to some of my closest friends.  The things that excited her most always involved her family.  Marissa cherished the times spent with her mom, especially the two mother-daughter weekend trips they had this past year.  They shared a special bond and her mother truly was her hero.  Marissa would tell me how excited she would be to take bike rides with her father and brother to Friendly’s on Sunday mornings.  She lived for weekends of jet skiing and tubing at Keuka Lake with her aunt, uncle, and cousins.  She loved when her grandparents would drive her to Grove City just to shop for dresses for school dances.  Hanging out with her brother and his friends was also something she took great pride in.  She could easily be “one of the guys” and all of Michael’s friends loved that about her.  Michael was without a doubt Marissa’s best friend and their admiration for one another did not go unnoticed. 


Anyone would agree that Marissa had a personality that could capture anyone’s attention.  Recently, I talked to her golf coach and she described Marissa to a T.  She told me that she always told Mrs. Plakosh that Marissa was just like an M&M, “she had that tough outer shell but an inside that melted everyone, just like a marshmallow.”  I couldn’t think of a better analogy and I know that Marissa’s family and friends would agree.  She was so unselfish, loving, and considerate and the wisdom beyond her years often caught me by surprise.  Marissa knew that the most wasted of all days were ones without laughter.  Her infectious smile and sense of humor brightened the lives of anyone who had the pleasure to know her.  That was Marissa’s trademark: making people happy.  As we celebrate Marissa’s life, it is a time to remember how Marissa has touched our lives.


We reflect on all of the memories we’ve shared with Marissa and discover that the “beauty of a life well-lived” truly never dies.  It continues to embrace and inspire each and every one of us gathering in Marissa’s presence today.  May we find strength to remind ourselves of the light that Marissa has brought into the lives of others.  It is a light that will never fade.  While we may not understand God’s plan for Marissa, it is no surprise why he would want such a perfect angel in heaven with Him.  It breaks our hearts to lose her, but she did not go alone, a part of us went with her, the day God took her home.


Marisky, you grew to be like a sister to me and I will never forget the amazing times we spent together.  You hold a special place in my heart that the world could never fill.  I love you.

Total Memories: 21
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